Visa Categories Permitted to Do Supplementary Jobs in UK

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Visa Categories Permitted to Do Supplementary Jobs in UK

Which visa categories permit you to carry out Supplementary Jobs in UK. Supplementary employment is a work that you do in a job that is not the job for which you are being sponsored. So it’s very attractive to migrants coming to the UK as they can earn more money and develop new skill outside of their main employment.

Supplementary Jobs in UK

We’ll first explain the rules around supplementary employment before examining the main visa categories that allow you to do such work. About supplementary employment rules before we look at the visa categories that permit supplementary job, let’s discuss the latest changes to the immigration rules and what they mean for supplementary employment.

Under the new rules, what is permitted as a supplementary employment. So the job must be listed in appendix immigration salary list which has replaced the shortage occupation list. Or it should be in the same profession and at the same professional level as the job for which the certificate of sponsorship for you was assigned. Or the worker must be a skilled worker with a job in an eligible associate 2020 Occupation Code, and the listed table are one, two and three of the skill occupations for all visa holders. You are only permitted to spend a maximum of 20 hours per week within the supplementary employment, and this has to be outside of your normal working hours for your primary job, and you must also continue to work in your original employment for which you are sponsored.Your employer will conduct a right to work check to ensure you are permitted to carry out supplementary employment before they hire you.


The next agenda is let’s focus on skilled worker visa. So skilled worker visa holders can carry out supplementary employment as you know now. And they have benefited greatly from the latest changes as now they can work in any other eligible SOC code, whereas before it had to be in the same occupation code or total occupation list. What it means. Skilled worker now have much greater freedom to pursue extra employment in any field they wish.

Now the third one is the intra company or the Global Business Mobility visa. Those who were granted an intra company visa, which was replaced by the GBM Global Business Mobility Visa, are permitted to carry out supplementary employment. This is either through currently holding an intra company visa or through a transitional arrangement. By having a continuously held position since then, as a senior or specialist worker, they must follow the normal rules of supplementary employment. However, GBM visa holders were granted permission solely on the new route. Cannot undertake supplementary employment.

Now let’s look into the other visa categories. So other which is less common visa categories through which you can do supplementary employment. That can. Include the year two Minister of Religion, International sportsperson, Creative Worker, Government authorised Exchange and International Agreement category, but only if the worker has been granted as an employee of an overseas government or international organisation and of course the religious worker visa category. The normal rules also apply to these visa categories, such as the 20 hours maximum per week under supplementary employment.

In today’s Post, we have explained the rules surrounding supplementary employment and showing you which visa categories permit you to hold an extra job in addition to the one which you are being sponsored.


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