Updates on UK Home Office Immigration Salary List

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Updates on UK Home Office Immigration Salary List

The UK’s immigration salary list has undergone a significant review, impacting on various aspects of immigration policy. Welcome to today’s post where we discuss the recent updates regarding the immigration salary list.

Immigration Salary List
What is the new immigration salary list?

The Migration Advisory Committee was commissioned on 17th January 2024 to carry out a rapid review of a new immigration salary list. The MAC has recommended that 21 roles be included in the new Excel. The new ISL aims to provide preferential criteria for employers seeking to sponsor overseas workers to fill vacancies. The roles recommended for inclusion cover a wide range of professions, from scientific researchers and artists to skilled trades like carpenters and technicians.

The ISL represents a significant reduction in the scope compared to the shortage occupation list. Since the list of recommended roles only includes 8% of the roles currently eligible for the skilled worker pathway, where is its predecessor. The SOL included 30% of jobs in the skilled worker route. This indicates a more stringent approach to skilled migration moving forward.

Changes in the salary threshold.

The most important change in the UK immigration policy is the increase in the baseline salary threshold for skilled workers. From April 2024, the salary requirement will rise to 38,700, marking an almost 50% increase from the previous threshold of 26,200. The adjustment in the salary threshold aims to reflect the government’s effort to manage immigration levels and ensure that the incoming workers meet a higher financial threshold, contributing to the UK’s economic goals. It’s important to note that the occupations mentioned on the ISL will have a salary threshold of 30,960, or their occupation specific threshold, whichever is higher.

The impact on health and care workers.

Health and care visa application will not face the increase in salary threshold. The general salary threshold for health and care worker will be 29,000, rather than 38,700, as in the case with the other skilled worker with applications for health and care occupations that are on the ISL immigration salary release, the salary threshold will be 23,200 or their occupation specific threshold, whichever is higher. Another notable change is the restriction to bring dependants for the holders of health and care visas. The Home Office has confirmed that there will be a ban on senior care workers and care workers under the Standard Occupation Classification Code, which is SOC code 6145 and 6146 respectively, to bring their dependants with them to the UK. This will be effective from 11th March 2020 for other professionals Under the Health and Care visa. Under the other access codes will still be able to bring dependants family with themselves such as like doctors and nurses. All health and care visa holders will continue to remain exempt from paying the immigration health surcharge.

What is the future direction?

The MAC recommendation and the subsequent policy adjustments highlight an ongoing evolution in the UK’s immigration strategy. The focus on high skilled immigration, combined with adjustments to the salary threshold and specific exemption, reflects a responsive policy framework aimed at balancing economic needs, labour market realities and broader goals of the society. Now, there may be an increased emphasis on training and education for domestic workers in the health and social care sectors. As a result of these changes, future updates to the ISL may involve greater engagement with industry stakeholders, including employers, trade unions and professional bodies.


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