Why only a few International Students get a UK Work Visa

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Why only a few International Students get a UK Work Visa | Do this instead

If you do study in the UK. Believe me, when I say this, it is going to be one shocking experience. The sheer exhilaration of being in the UK, new friends, new places to discover, new pubs to hit. All of it is going to take you by surprise and before you know it, you will be falling asleep in your classes, failing your exams, and missing classes. Your course will be over, you won’t have a job, and then you’ll wonder where you went wrong and where all the time went. You wouldn’t be alone. This happens to hundreds of students every single year, which is why we’re talking about what you need to focus on when you start studying in the UK, what you need to keep in mind, and how you can go about making the best use of your time in the UK. And while we do reference the UK in this post, this honestly holds good for any international student studying in any part of the world.

uk international students

Today’s post is about moving across the world either to study or do that dream job. With that, let’s dive in. Okay, now let’s be honest. What are you in the UK for to study? What should you be doing with your time studying? But of course, not everyone is going to spend every minute of their waking day studying. That’s not possible. But that being said, you’ve got to study at some point and you need to decide what that point is. Is it going to be a little every day, once a week, twice a week, or closer to the exams? The challenge a lot of students face when they move to the UK is that they can be taken in by this entire experience and spend a lot of time looking for jobs, and in the end, don’t do the one thing that they came to the UK to do. Study. Now you need to study, however, works best for you. But ideally do not leave it till the last. Because here’s the thing unlike a lot of students who are residents in your class and the residents of the UK, you can’t afford to fail because if you fail, your visa will be revoked and you will be sent back to your home country.

Now I get that studying can be very time consuming, and on most days you’d rather do anything other than study, especially if it involves having to plonk yourself in front of your book and study and try to cram in as much as you can. But here’s the thing instead of doing it that way, why don’t you spend some time focusing on learning how to learn? Because apparently we’ve been learning wrong our whole life. Try Atomic Habits by James Clare, or Make It Stick by Peter Brown, or How to Become a straight-A Student by Cal Newport. They’ll give you a bunch of tips on how you can improve your studying habits and learn and retain a lot more in less time. What I felt helped me best when I was trying to study was the Pomodoro Technique, which is basically high intensity studying for 25 minutes with a five minutes break. I also find time boxing very helpful in studying in other activities as well. Instead of saying you’ll study one subject every hour, instead of that, focus on doing subjects for longer periods of time. Because here’s the thing when you switch subjects, you break your focus and then it gets some time. It takes some time for you to get back into the zone, and you’re losing time because of that.

Another very good technique is to actually start off with the subjects that you absolutely suck at. Because here’s the thing. The ones that you’re really good at, you’ll probably feel motivated to start those first, but you’ll probably be able to learn those faster later on as well. Instead, give more of your attention to the subjects it subjects that you’re really bad at and spend a lot of time understanding the fundamental. Two concepts there, which will help you later on. All right, now moving on. I assume you have university for only 15 hours a week, so that leaves you with a lot of free time for the rest of the week. Choosing how you’re going to spend your time can make all the difference. So you can either spend your time doing things that you’ve always been doing, like scrolling social media or playing games. Or you can spend your time doing something that you can only do at universities, like joining specific clubs and societies. The gourd, if you think about it, is to do things that you haven’t been doing in your home country and things that you won’t get a chance to do once you leave the country. Now take, for instance, a rowing club.

First of all, I haven’t heard of rowing clubs in India. I could be wrong, but here you get the opportunity of joining these clubs. And it’s not just the exercise that comes with it. It also teaches you essential skills like teamwork and working harmoniously, which will go on to benefit you or join a theatre club. The UK has some of the best players and the entire West End, so this is a brilliant opportunity for you to get up on that stage, strengthen your confidence and indulge your creative side while you’re at it. What you can also do with your time is learn alternate skills so that you don’t end up putting yourself in a box. I learned to edit photos when I was in school, so by the time I was in college, I was creating artwork. This fits seamlessly into the marketing career that I decided to opt for. So when I did decide to quit my day job, I had a lot of options at my disposal. Now, there are always going to be skills that will help you. Editing is one of them. Public speaking is also great, not just if you want to be a YouTuber, but also while you’re making those big presentations at work.

Learning a language is always helpful. If you’re in tech, learn a new coding language because you’ve got the time to do it. Learn things that can help you with alternate careers. But here’s the thing before you decide to dedicate all of your time to any single activity, ask yourself how it’s going to help you in the future. It could simply help you. In terms of de-stressing, that’s perfectly fine, but the point is, identify it. If this activity doesn’t feel you rewarded at the end of it, honestly, consider if it’s actually worth your time. You could also choose to spend your time deciding how you’d like your future to pan out. Many of you might want to start businesses. There is no better time to start it than while being at uni. Because here’s the thing the advantage of being at uni is that you have so many people that you can approach for guidance.

If you start working on it while you’re at uni, hopefully by the time you graduate you will be done. And here’s the thing if it’s an innovative idea, you can use it to apply for an Innovator Visa, which allows you to stay in the country for three years and apply for a fast track once you’re done with three years. Now moving on. While you’re at uni, you will meet a lot of people. Some of these people will have a very positive outlook. People who are happy to be there, who want to study in the UK, who want that work visa when they are done, who want to make it big, who want to make a difference. And then there will be the people who are unhappy with studying in the UK. They will miss their families more than others. They’ll be unhappy with the culture over here, and they’d be honestly looking for reasons to move away from the UK and go back to their home countries. And then of course, there will be the others who have absolutely no plans for the Future, and that’s also perfectly fine, but their goal is to just have a good time while they’re in the UK.

Choose who you want to spend your time with and how much of time you want to spend with them. Depending on what energy you want to have at the end of the day. Because here’s the thing energy is contagious. You could be surrounded by students who are extremely driven, and that might push you to achieve more. Who knows, you might end up being the next Zuckerberg. But if the company you keep our students who are unhappy in the UK, before you know it, you’re going to be disillusioned, and then you’ll make excuses and you’ll want to go home. So the company you keep is extremely important. Which brings me to my next point network. If you plan on getting a job when you’re done with your course in the UK, you have got to network. Networking is too late.

One of the best ways to get a job in the UK, especially if you’re looking for that visa. And to be honest, sitting in your room unwilling to meet new people is not going to help you land that job now. It could be networking with the other students in your college because to be honest, a lot of them are going to be looking for jobs. A lot of them will find jobs with visas and someday they might help you get a job with a visa if you’re looking for one. Or they could help you with a professional query. And there’s also networking events, which you should absolutely try. Many networking events are still on ground events, and with you being in the UK, you have this unique opportunity of being able to attend them. Very often, recruiters who attend these networking events have a goal of attracting exponential talent from that particular networking event, so that’s a brilliant opportunity if you’re looking for a job. So use this opportunity to meet as many people as you can. And if I’m being honest, try and go beyond your network of people who are from your home country. Meet people from other countries, make an effort to understand them and understand their cultures a lot better. Because when you actually get to work, you’re going to be working with people from a bunch of different cultures.

Now, one of the other things a lot of students in the UK take for granted is their health and live to regret it later. It will be only too easy to party till the wee hours of the night and not eat right, not drink right and that’s okay. You’re young, you want to try new things, experiment a little and it’s all fine as long as it’s on occasion. But if you’re doing it very frequently, you have a problem on your hands. The outcome is after you exhaust yourself from having too much fun, you’ll end up falling asleep in class. Or if you don’t get the required attendance, your visa will be revoked. Instead, dedicate time to focus on yourself. Spend time on self-care and your self-care routine could honestly be whatever works for you. For me, what works best is walking beside the river. It really recharges me. Sleep early whenever you can. You really, really need those eight hours of sleep, which is something most students take for granted. And the simple reason is this a good eight hours of sleep makes all the difference when it comes to your energy levels. For the rest of the day, no sleep means low energy levels and it gives you wrinkles. Believe me, it’s also easy to eat a lot of rubbish when you are a student because you’re like, when else when I live. But here’s the thing what you put into your body also determines your energy levels at the end of the day, and your mood.

Processed flour will make you lethargic. Too much coffee is going to make you jittery, and a lot of junk food is just. Going to make you bloat. The good thing about the UK is that a lot of food options and a lot of healthy food options, so wherever you can help it eat to nourish your body and not to fill your tummy. I would also say exercise, but for two reasons. One is of course for the health of your body. But the other thing is because it helps you focus. Just an hour of exercise not only energizes you, but also instantaneously charges up your brain, which helps you focus a lot more when it comes to studying. And then we come to the most important point. When you’re in university, you will notice that time is going to slip you by very, very easily. First you’ll be done with the day, then the week, then the month, and then before you know it, your course is done. Which is why if there’s one thing you do, it is be extremely careful with your time. And the best way to go about doing this is to calendar as your entire day. Calendar as your entire life. Create an entire schedule for yourself, especially the hours that you’re not going to be at university because you will have a sizable number of hours, and it’s important that you plan what to do during those hours, or you’ll end up wasting them.

As a student, you will have even less time. You’ll have university, you will have social engagements. You will have assignments. You will have to prep for your exams. You’ll have to join clubs and societies. You’ll be doing part time jobs. You’ll be job hunting. So it’s very easy to understand where all the time can get lost for the hours that you don’t have. University right at the start. Plan accounting for every single hour in the day how you’re going to spend that time so that you don’t waste any of it and include details like self-care, like cooking, studying, exercise. Include all of it. Not only will it help you organize your time better while you’re studying, it will also set you up for the future. Because when you start working, your days are going to be equally busy. You will have to calendar your entire day, get into the habit of it, and you will honestly come out better. Now I know there was a lot to follow, but follow this method and trust me, you will thank me once your course is done and you’ve landed that job. I hope there’s 1 or 2 or more things that you think would help you from this Post, and will help you get a lot more organized when it comes to studying in the UK.

For more related Articles: https://destinydot.com/news-portal/
For more about UK Immigration:https://gov.uk

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