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Will the migration of carers and students to Britain stop soon?

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Will the migration of carers and students to Britain stop soon? The new Conservative group in the ruling party wants to put an end to carer visas and make the rules stricter for international students.

The United Kingdom was expected to be a new place of safety for Indians, due to the decreasing job prospects in the Gulf countries. The Indo-British Free Trade Agreement, which is currently being established, has given people more hope. But many people are worried that Britain will stop allowing immigrants and cause problems.

This is about a report that was given by a group of politicians belonging to the Conservative Party. This group is known as the New Conservative Group. The report said that people from other countries should not be allowed to work in care homes in Britain. It also said that the rules for getting a visa should be stricter for students.

Even though some positions are still available in the care homes, the group of MPs is pushing the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, to take their strong positions. This group, led by Tom Hunt, who is the Chairman of the Tory Deputy, is not happy with how the proposal for migration in the 2019 manifesto has been carried out.

The manifesto said it would decrease the number of British people who move to another country. When Boris Johnson made his offer, there were 226,000 foreigners coming to the UK for a long time and leaving the country.

The new conservative group has asked Boris Johnson to take strong measures in order to decrease immigration in the country. There is a need to stop the use of a visa that allows people to work from home while being quarantined. These are messages that involve people who work in social care, people who assist with care, and people who provide care at home. This means that people in this group can apply for a health and care worker visa that lasts for either three years or five years.

The New Conservative Group has claimed that the country is too lenient, adhering to the Brexit law, and not working in the best interest of the country. They said that if the temporarily relaxed visa rules for foreign care workers during COVID times are ended, then less than 80,000 people will come to the UK.

They also said that people who come to the UK on a Skilled Worker visa will need to earn at least £38,000 per year. This will stop 54,000 foreigners from coming to the country. If the UK gets rid of a rule that lets students work for two years after they finish school, then 174,000 fewer students will come to India every year.

Currently, the New Conservative Group is not a powerful or influential political party. Recently, some problems came up. They won’t become a powerful group in the party as of tomorrow. They want to decrease the number of people allowed to immigrate to the country’s network to 240,000 by the end of 2024. Most of the group consists of MPs who are closely connected to Rishi.

They want to limit the number of other things to 20,000. They also want to limit the number of refugees from Ukraine, Afghanistan, and Hong Kong. They want to set limits on projects that help people in the name of humanity. They want to pass a law to stop illegal immigration. They want to raise the income limit to 26,200 pounds. They also want to improve people’s English skills.


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